Meal design and eating behaviour

Successful meal innovations should integrate consumer wishes with knowledge on product design, processing, and reasonable dietary intake. Some consumer groups would benefit from foods that give a greater satiation and prospective satisfaction, whereas other consumers groups (e.g. undernourished elderly, hospital patients) would require meals that encourage consumption and reducing food waste.

We work with sensory principles to design both satiety and desires for prospective consumption. Furthermore, we work with simulations of consumption situations in virtual reality to assess the impact of context factors on food preferences and intake.

We perform research within the areas of:

  • Virtual reality to study contextual factors influencing on perception, hedonic evaluation and appetite

  • Designing meal desires based on sensory contrasts and triggers for consumption (e.g. 3D printed foods)

  • Novel raw materials for design of healthy and more sustainable meals

  • Design and acceptance testing of protein-enriched meals

  • Consumer segmentation and profiling using surveys

Research staff

Coordinator Sanne Sansolios

Associate Professor Helene Reinbach 

Associate Professor Michael Bom Frøst

Professor Wender Bredie